Dual boot Linux and Windows – BIOS system time incorrect

I, unfortunately, have to dual boot to Windows once and a while, due to requirements where I currently have an assignment.

What I’ve noticed and that really grind my gears, is that when booting Windows after I have been running Linux the BIOS System time is incorrect by -2 hours.

After searching for information how to solve this, I found a thread on the Microsoft forum with a user that had the same problem and learned something new:

Windows uses BIOS time to hold ‘local’ time (UTC+offset+daylight savings according to the time zone used) and Linux uses BIOS time to hold Universal Time (UTC).

That got me to the ever so good Arch Linux Wiki (this is an area that I think Ubuntu has become weaker in; updated and good information in a community wiki. Don’t get me wrong, I love askubuntu.com).

Open Windows Powershell and run it as administrator:

reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation" /v RealTimeIsUniversal /d 1 /t REG_DWORD /f

If this does not solve it, try changing REG_DWORD to REG_QWORD.

Thunderbird and Office365 (mail + calendar)

Here’s how you setup Thunderbird to work with mail and calendar from Office365.

Install dependencies

sudo apt install thunderbird

Start Thunderbird, and go to Tools, Add-ons, Get Add-ons.

Search for Lightning and install the add-on.

Goto Ericssons github repository for exchange calendar and download the latest stable version. Go back to Tools, Add-ons, Get Add-ons, click on the gear icon next to the search and choose Install Add-on From File.... Navigate to where you saved the xpi plugin file.

Configure mail

Go to Edit, Account Settings, Account Actions and Add Mail Account. Enter your settings.
IMAP server: outlook.office365.com:993
SMTP server: outlook.office365.com:587

Configure calendar

Go to the Calendar (lightning) tab, right click in the left menu pane under Calendar, chose New Calendar... and select On The Network.

Format: Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010/2013
Name: <Name of the calendar>
E-Mail: <E-mail account created in previous step>
Exchange Type: Microsoft Office365

Click Check server and mailbox, it will ask you for your password.

Folder base: Calendar folder

Finish the wizard, and you’re all done!

Skype for business (Office365) with pidgin-sipe

By using the pidgin-sipe plugin for pidgin, it is possible to connect to Office365, Skype for business.

First off, add the sipe-collab PPA and install the two main packages:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:sipe-collab
sudo apt update
sudo apt install pidgin pidgin-sipe

Start pidgin and add a new account.

Tab Basic:
Protocol: Office Communicator
Username: <E-mail address>
Login: <E-mail address>
Password: <Password>
Remember password: <Checked>
Local alias: <Your name>

Tab Advanced (anything not mentioned should be left with default value):
Connection type: Auto
User Agent: UCCAPI/15.0.4420.1017 OC/15.0.4420.1017
Authentication scheme: TLS-DSK

Credit goes to frytek on ubuntuforums.org. sipe-collab source-code can be found on github from tieto.

WiFi problems after waking up from sleep, Ubuntu 16.10

After installing Ubuntu 16.10 I occasionally had problems with WiFi after waking up from sleep.

But of course there’s a workaround (credit to Joakim Koed on askubuntu.com and the solution).

sudo bash -c 'cat >/etc/systemd/system/wake-up.service <<EOF
Description=Restart networkmanager at resume

ExecStart=/bin/systemctl restart network-manager.service

sudo systemctl enable wake-up.service